Q1: What is the server name of Bybit's MetaTrader 5?
A1: The server name is Bybit-Live. Please note that the legal entity behind Bybit MT5 is Infra Capital Limited. This is the name you will find when searching for the Bybit server on MT5.
Q2: Is there a minimum deposit required for trading on Bybit MT5?
Q3: How do I make a deposit to my Bybit MT5 Account?
Q4: Which currencies are supported for deposits in the Bybit MT5 Account?
Q5: What is the fee structure of Bybit MT5?
Q6: What is the Stop-Out level on MT5?
Q7: Which trading pairs are available on MT5?
Q8: How is the Swap Fee calculated on MT5?
Contact Bybit
Infra Capital Limited
Suite 201, 2nd Floor, The Catalyst, 40 Silicon Avenue, Ebene Cybercity, Mauritius; Registration number: 200907
Suite 201, 2nd Floor, The Catalyst, 40 Silicon Avenue, Ebene Cybercity, Mauritius.
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